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Child Window Safety Locks -

Annual Testing & Certification...

As you are aware there is a legal requirement for both Strata Companies and Owners Corporations to meet the new legislative requirements for window safety in strata buildings under their care. All windows under your management that pose a risk of a child falling must have been made compliant to meet the new legislation by 13th March 2018.

So what’s the next step for Owners Corporation’s to meet their ‘legal responsibility and duty of care’ in regards to child window safety devices moving forward?

With the government posing $550 fines for non-complying lots and insurance companies refusing to insure non-compliant lots in cases of child falls, it is a serious issue that requires a professional and documented management plan moving forward.

The cost of lifetime care for a child that has injured themselves falling out of a window is estimated to be $10M. If the Owners Corporation can’t prove that the window was compliant (legal responsibility) and that a maintenance schedule (duty of care) was initiated annually, then it can open up the possibility of a heavy financial burden to the SP for the care of that child.

Moving forward post March 2018 this legislation must continued to be met with professionalism and thoroughness.

CSSW offers Owners Corporations an annual compliance schedule and annual certification of your Strata Plan for child window safety devices.

In addition CSSW provides a digital records service to alleviate the load on Strata Companies and Owners Corporations to show proof of every detail of meeting and maintaining the new law. This helps alleviate any 'headaches' in order to keep your units compliant. It also provides peace of mind for Owners Corporations.

Don't expose yourself to possible future litigation by using companies that don't fully understand the legal requirements of meeting the new legislation or don’t provide an ‘annual compliance certificate’ and record’s management service for each and every strata window (as well as common areas) under your care.

CSSW's unique, professional turn-key approach ensures compliance and peace-of-mind for Strata Companies and Owners Corporations.

  • FREE formal assessment of every window under you care.
  • FREE Quoting for means of legal compliance.
  • Professional inspections and certifications by experienced tradesmen.
  • Certification of individual lots as well as common areas.
  • Record keeping service. We maintain a detailed digital compliance record of every window under your care.
  • Education for tenants, owners, building managers, Owners Corporations, & strata agents.
  • Lock-tight legal framework process.
  • Peace of mind in regards to your exposure in litigation cases.

CSSW is a proud supporter of the Westmead Hospital’s “Kids Don’t Fly Campaign”. Our aim moving forward is to keep windows compliant to prevent falls.

CSSW offers FREE assessments and FREE quoting for your strata window annual certification needs. Our prices are amongst the lowest in the industry.

Don’t wait for a catastrophe to occur in your unit complexes before implementing change.

CSSW Pty Ltd - Child Safe Strata Windows

ACN: 616 835 593

Proud supporters of the Westmead Children's Hospital 'Kids Don't Fly' Campaign

PO Box 915, Lane Cove, NSW. 1595.

Ph: 028386-8731


CSSW - Child Safe Strata WindowsA Turn-Key Solution for Strata CompaniesProud Supporter of Westmead Children's Hospital 'Kids Don't Fly' Campaign

Lane Cove , Sydney New South Wales Australia PO Box 915, Lane Cove, NSW. 1595

© 2019 CSSW. All Rights Reserved.

child window compliance, Sydney, NSW

child window locks

child window safety

child window safety compliance

child window safety locks

child window safety, Sydney, NSW

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