CSSW - Child Safe Strata Windows
A Turn-Key Solution for Strata Companies
Proud Supporter of Westmead Children's Hospital 'Kids Don't Fly' Campaign
A Turn-Key Solution for Strata Companies to effectively address the new legislative changes in the
Strata Schemes Management (Child Window Safety
Devices) Act, 2013 (NSW)
The Countdown is On!!!
There is a legal requirement for both Strata Companies and Owners Corporations to meet the new guidelines for window safety in strata buildings. All windows that pose a risk of a child falling must be compliant to meet the new legislation by 13th March 2018
There is a lot of confusion in the market place in meeting this new legislation. Tenants, landlords, owners and even strata agents are confused as to what each party's responsibility and legal requirements are in satisfying the new legislation. With the government posing fines for non complying windows post 13th March 2018 as well as the 'legal responsibility and duty of care' to prevent children falling from windows this legislation must be met with professionalism and thoroughness.
CSSW offers this service to Strata Companies with a turn-key solution. CSSW is a specialist in this area. From assessment and quoting through to installation and certification, CSSW provides it all. We assess every unit providing a 'certificate of installation' for all Strata units under your care. We even provide a records service to alleviate the load on Strata Companies to show proof of every detail of meeting the new law.
CSSW offers a professional turn-key service for Strata Companies, alleviating any 'headaches' in order to gain compliance. We are sure you will be glad you worked with CSSW. Don't expose yourself to possible future litigation by using companies that don't fully understand the legal requirements of meeting the new legislation. By using CSSW you are limiting your future risk of litigation. CSSW's unique and professional approach ensures compliance and peace of mind for Strata Companies.
Phone: 028386-8731 (please include the 02)
Mobile: 0416-032905.
Email: info@childsafestratawindows.com.au
Mail: PO Box 915, Lane Cove, NSW. 1595.
ACN: 616 835 593